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Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Known as a farmers market, goods sold in the tamu are normally fresh produce for everyday human consumption.

Variety of rice available
This shows a variety of rice available for consumptions. 
Depending on health and preference, consumers can choose which ever type of rice they want

Ginger is important in the diets of the locals in Sabah. 
Generally, ginger is used in almost all the local dishes because it believed to be good for health.

 A variety of fresh vegetables
These vegetables are commonly eaten by the locals. 
These are grown locally in the mountainous area of Sabah due to the conducive weather to for farming.

The market is also a haven for seasonal fruits such as durians. 
On top of that, the seasonal fruits are always fresh and cheap.
Fresh water fish/ eel
Fresh water fishes and eel are part of the diet of the locals. 
This is due to the number of rivers, ponds, and swamps in the area.

Traditional food

These are 2 of the traditional food of the Kadazan and Dusun people.
The red one is called tuhau while the yellow is called bambangan. 

Parts of a jackfruit
These 2 bags contains the non-edible parts of a jackfruit. 
It cannot be eaten raw, however the locals usually cook it as soup.

A stack traditional snacks
This is a traditional snack eaten by the locals for breakfast or tea time. 
Each piece is fried individually on a small fire.

Local Handmade Souvenir
These handmade items are locally made by people in the interior areas of the district and brought to the market for sale.

1 comment:

  1. The durian and the traditional snack looks nice. Don't mind to give it a try when I'm there next time. (Phang June Ee)



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